Thursday, April 17, 2014

Words... (but late!)

Goodness! So yesterday I was so caught up with exams and studying I completely forgot that it even was Wednesday. Big apologies, such a rookie mistake :(

But here it is! A day late. And better yet-two quotes :)

The first is from my main man, Einstein. It's such an important tactic to education: explain it simply. Sometimes thinking and doing things simply isn't a bad idea at all. I was at a lecture about omega-3 and omega-6, and the man presenting-while obviously very intelligent-really connected with the audience because he spoke so clearly. There's so much value in simplicity!

The second is not a quote, but really a bunch of words containing great advice. It's an article about knitting! It details some great health benefits and reasons it's a great hobby. Creativity is a beautiful thing.

 Hint, hint, it's a little preview to some upcoming posts!

Happy days!


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